El Dj suec Avicii ha mort als 28 anys, segons ha confirmat el seu publicista. Tim Bergling ha estat trobat mort a Masqat (Oman), durant la tarda d’aquest divendres.
La família està devastada i de moment no se’n coneixen els motius.
Avicii era autor de temes com Hey brother, Wake me up, Without you i recentment havia triomfat amb Lonely Together al costat de Rita Ora.
El març de 2016 va anunciar que deixava de fer actuacions en directe i que es volia prendre un temps de descans. L’any passat va editar un EP amb 6 cançons.
Swedish DJ Avicii dead at 28 https://t.co/vb9ESB8x5p pic.twitter.com/fJDfPM38iO— billboard dance (@billboarddance) 20 d’abril de 2018
Ja hi ha hagut les primeres reaccions a la xarxa de companys de la professió com Calvin Harris, Dua Lipa i fins i tot Doctor Prats, que estan consternats amb aquesta notícia.
Devastating news about Avicii, a beautiful soul, passionate and extremely talented with so much more to do. My heart goes out to his family. God bless you Tim x— Calvin Harris (@CalvinHarris) 20 d’abril de 2018
Such sad news to hear about Avicii passing. Too young and way too soon. My condolences go out to his family, friends and fans x— DUA LIPA (@DUALIPA) 20 d’abril de 2018
Oh my god truly devastated for Avicii very very sad news way to young … what a talent he was. rest in peace x— Liam (@LiamPayne) 20 d’abril de 2018
#RIPAVICII Dear Tim your family have my most heartfelt condolences. You were my little bro. Love always.— Nile Rodgers (@nilerodgers) 20 d’abril de 2018
At a loss for words…Rest easy brother ? @Avicii— marshmello (@marshmellomusic) 20 d’abril de 2018
Bon viatge. Descansa en pau.https://t.co/5qWgM8yuOt— Doctor Prats (@doctorprats) 20 d’abril de 2018
devastated at the news of @Avicii passing. working with him was one of my favorite collaborative moments. far too young. the world was a happier and fuller place with his presence and art. sending all my love to his friends and family. Xxdr— Imagine Dragons (@Imaginedragons) 20 d’abril de 2018
Something really horrible happened. We lost a friend with such a beautiful heart and the world lost an incredibly talented musician. Thank you for your beautiful melodies, the time we shared in the studio, playing together as djs or just enjoying life as friends.
RIP @Avicii pic.twitter.com/IGiTYetJcq— David Guetta (@davidguetta) 20 d’abril de 2018
I have no words. I remember how amazing it was to make Lonely Together and it felt like just yesterday we were talking. Condolences to Avicii’s family, friends, and the fans who supported him. May he rest in peace. Gone too soon. I’m devastated. Heartbroken.— Rita Ora (@RitaOra) 20 d’abril de 2018
Rest easy Avicii, you inspired so many of us. Wish I could have said that to you in person x— Ellie Goulding (@elliegoulding) 20 d’abril de 2018
Wow, I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to the man who really opened my eyes as to what my productions could one day sound like. @Avicii was a genius and a music innovator, and I can not believe he is no longer with us. RIP to the very best.— Charlie Puth (@charlieputh) 20 d’abril de 2018
So Sad……. So Tragic. Good Bye Dear Sweet Tim. ? Gone too Soon. pic.twitter.com/l7FDKCu6K4— Madonna (@Madonna) 20 d’abril de 2018