L’australià Vance Joy ha dedicat una cançó a Catalunya en el seu nou disc “In Our Own Sweet Time”. Es tracta de ‘Catalonia‘ la quarta cançó del treball, on ens explica tots els bons moments i records que té sobre el nostre país. En especial menciona el barri gòtic de Barcelona, mentre ens relata que a l’altra punta de l’oceà no s’oblida de nosaltres.
El cantautor va viure durant un temps a Barcelona, juntament amb la seva parella i explica en aquesta cançó com era el seu dia a dia a la capital de Catalunya.
El videoclip de ‘Catalonia’ ha estat evidentment rodat a Catalunya i entre altres indrets podem trobar-hi la platja de Sa Riera a Begur.
El músic sembla que guarda molt bon record del nostre país, on per cert tornarà el 2023, ja que presentarà aquest nou disc el 22 d’abril a la Sala Razzmatazz.
Hey Catalonia, I was just getting to know ya
When you stumble down those streets tonight
Just know you’ll be on my mind
You’ll be on my mind
The streets still radiate with heat, we hang onto the summer
Pour me a tall dry Vermouth, and take me undercover
Spend another night with you in our sweet disorder
The seaside always fills the air all through the Gothic Quarter
Oh, somehow I got to walk you home
And oh, I guess I forgot to take it slow
Oh, you take me places I can’t go alone, alone
Hey Catalonia, I can hear you across the ocean
All the storiеs that we left behind, I trust you’rе my alibi
Hey Catalonia, I was just getting to know ya
When you stumble down those streets tonight
Just know you’ll be on my mind
You’ll be on my mind
Across the square, we hear the bells
Toll midnight in the churches
Another stroll to nowhere, under olive trees and arches
Climb up to your terrace, look out over the rooftops
Intoxicating moments, in the moment so lost
Oh, somehow I got to walk you home
And oh, I guess I forgot to take it slow
Oh, you take me places I can’t go alone, alone
Hey Catalonia, I can hear you across the ocean
All the stories that we left behind, I trust you’re my alibi
Hey Catalonia, I was just getting to know ya
When you stumble down those streets tonight
Just know you’ll be on my mind
You’ll be on my mind
On my mind
On my mind
Oh, you take me places I can’t go alone, alone
Hey Catalonia, I can hear you across the ocean
All the stories that we left behind, I trust you’re my alibi
Hey Catalonia, I was just getting to know ya
When you stumble down those streets tonight
Just know you’ll be on my mind
You’ll be on my mind
On my mind
On my mind