Aquesta nit s’ha celebrat la gala d’entrega dels MTV EMA 2014, on han brillat els noms d’Ariana Grande, que s’ha emportat el premi de la millor cançó per Problem, on canta amb Iggy Azalea, i també la millor cantant femenina.
Pel que fa al millor vídeo, ha estat per Dark Horse de Katy Perry. Justin Bieber ha estat el millor cantant masculí i el premi a la millor banda de rock ha recaigut pels Linkin Park.
Entre els guanyadors també trobem 5 Seconds Of Summer, Calvin Harris, One Direction o 30 Seconds To Mars.
Entre les actuacions musicals de la nit, destaquen U2 que han interpretat un dels seus nous temes, Every Breaking Wave, Royal Blood, Alicia Keys, Ed Sheeran o Nicki Minaj.
Best Song: “Problem” by Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea
Best Video: “Dark Horse” by Katy Perry
Best Female: Ariana Grande
Best Male: Justin Bieber
Best New Act: 5 Seconds of Summer
Best Pop: One Direction
Best Rock: Linkin Park
Best Alternative: Thirty Seconds to Mars
Best Electronic: Calvin Harris
Best Hip Hop: Nicki Minaj
Best Live Act: One Direction
Best World Stage Performance: Enrique Iglesias
Best Push Act: 5 Seconds of Summer
Biggest Fans: Directioners
Best Look: Katy Perry
Best Worldwide Act: Bibi Zhou
Global Icon: Ozzy Osbourne
Best Song With a Message: “Pretty Hurts” by Beyoncé
Best UK & Ireland Act: One Direction
Best Danish Act: Christopher
Best Finnish Act: Isac Elliot
Best Norwegian Act: Adelén
Best Swedish Act: The Fooo
Best German Act: Revolverheld
Best Swiss Act: Sinplus
Best Dutch Act: Kensington
Best Belgian Act: Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike
Best French Act: Indila
Best Italian Act: Alessandra Amoroso
Best Portuguese Act: David Carreira
Best Spanish Act: Enrique Iglesias
Best Greek Act: Vegas
Best Polish Act: Dawid Kwiatkowski
Best Russian Act: Nyusha
Best Romanian Act: Andra
Best Adria Act: Van Gogh
Best Israeli Act: Tripl featuring Meital de Razon
Best African Act: Sauti Sol
Best Middle East Act: Mohammed Assaf
Best Indian Act: Yo Yo Honey Singh
Best Australian Act: 5 Seconds Of Summer
Best New Zealand Act: Lorde
Best Japanese Act: Daichi Miura
Best Korean Act: B.A.P
Best Taiwanese Act: Hebe Tien
Best Chinese & Hong Kong Act: Bibi Zhou
Best Southeast Asian Act: Sarah Geronimo
Best Brazilian Act: Anitta
Best Latin America North Act: Dulce María
Best Latin America Central Act: Don Tetto
Best Latin America South Act: Miranda!
Best US Act: Fifth Harmony
Best Canadian Act: Justin Bieber