La investidura de Joe Biden com a nou president dels Estats Units va comptar amb un bon grapat d’actuacions musicals com les de Lady Gaga que va interpretar l’himne nacional dels Estats Units o de Jennifer Lopez.
Lady Gaga performs the national anthem at the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden https://t.co/tcmAzrzqTx pic.twitter.com/sQZv08Twjk
— CNN (@CNN) January 20, 2021
Posteriorment, en una cerimònia presentada per l’actor Tom Hanks s’han pogut veure actuacions de músics o grups com Foo Fighters, Bruce Springsteen, Katy Perry, Bon Jovi, John Legend, Demi Lovato, Justin Timberlake o el retorn dels mítics New Radicals.
Here comes the sun 🌞@JonBonJovi perfectly captured this moment of unity, togetherness, and hope with his performance tonight. pic.twitter.com/0oMTiIqtge
— Biden Inaugural Committee (@BidenInaugural) January 21, 2021
Thank you @KatyPerry for lighting up the night with your sparkling performance of “Firework.” 🎇#Inauguration2021 pic.twitter.com/QAarZwLApB
— Biden Inaugural Committee (@BidenInaugural) January 21, 2021
Today absolutely had us *feeling good*!
Always an honor to have @JohnLegend make us dance, and @chrissyteigen make us laugh. 💃🏼#Inauguration2021 pic.twitter.com/ip4sUesrrK
— Biden Inaugural Committee (@BidenInaugural) January 21, 2021
It’s a lovely day around the USA! Thank you @ddlovato for helping America get dancing tonight. 💃🇺🇸 #Inauguration2021 pic.twitter.com/QtRxWg0mQD
— Biden Inaugural Committee (@BidenInaugural) January 21, 2021