Father John Misty ha confirmat avui el títol del seu nou disc, que es dirà God’s Favorite Customer i que editarà el seu propi segell discogràfic.
Per anar obrint boca ha compartit dos avançaments, Disappointing Diamonds Are The Rarest Of Them All i Just Dumb Enough To Try.
El disc arribarà l’1 de juny, el mateix dia que el presentarà al Primavera Sound.
1. Hangout at the Gallows
2. Mr. Tillman
3. Just Dumb Enough to Try
4. Date Night
5. Please Don’t Die
6. The Palace
7. Disappointing Diamonds Are the Rarest of Them All
8. God’s Favorite Customer
9. The Songwriter
10. We’re Only People (And There’s Not Much Anyone Can Do About That)