La Primera Dama dels Estats Units, Michelle Obama, traurà un disc de hip hop, amb diferents artistes, com el bateria dels Blink-182, Travis Barker.
El disc estarà produït per Partnership for a Healthier America” i “Hip Hop Publlic Health” i anirà destinat a promoure un estil de vida més saludable. La senyora Obama, no apareixerà en el disc com artista, tot i que sí que ho farà en alguns videoclips.
De moment no se sap quan sortirà a la venda, però si que s’ha comentat que es distribuirà per les escoles dels Estats Units.
1. Everybody (ft. Jordin Sparks, Doug E Fresh, Ryan Beatty, Artie Green, Dr Oz and the Hip Hop Doc)
2. U R What You Eat (feat. Salad Bar (Matisyahu, Ariana Grande, Travis Barker))
3. Let’s Move (ft. Doug E Fresh, Artie Green, Chauncey Hawkins, Easy AD)
4. Just Believe (ft. Ashanti, Gerry Gunn, Artie Green, Robbie Nova, Chauncey Hawkins)
5. Veggie Luv (ft. Monifah and J Rome)
6. Hip Hop FEET (Finding Exercise Energy Thresholds) (ft. DMC, Artie Green, and Chauncey Hawkins)
7. Stronger (ft. Shayna Steele, Jeremy Jordan, Our Time, Nils Lofgren)
8. Give Myself a Try (ft. Ryan Beatty)
9. Jump Up (It’s a Good Day) Let’s Move version (ft. Brady Rymer and the Little Band That Could)
10. Hip Hop LEAN (ft. Artie Green)
11. Pass the Rock (ft. Iman Schumpert and Artie Green)
12. Good Living (ft. Ashton Jones)
13. Beautiful (ft. Daisy Grant and Artie Green)
14. Change the Game (ft. The Happiness Club and Naledge)
15. Wanna Jump (Let’s Move) (ft. Paul Burch and WPA Ballclub)
16. Mother May I? (ft. Amelia Robinson)
17. We Like Vegetables (ft. Los Barkers!)
18. Get Up Sit Up (ft. Ian James and Ricky Baitz)
19. One Step Forward (ft. Samite)